Monday, October 26, 2015

I Am A Breeches Goldilocks

I love a good pair of breeches; my bank account and body structure, however, do not.

My favorite pair pre-vet school were the SmartPak Bradley breeches. While a disaster for many, they fit me perfectly.

Cue 3 years into vet school, and 10-15 pounds later, I enjoy the SmartPak Pipers, but they just don't fit right. I've always been a 26 in the Pipers; pre-vet school, they were too big; in vet school, they're a lil snug.
SmartPak Pipers
These seem to be a staple for a lot of people, and my merlot pair are just the perfect color.
I've been slowly transitioning into TS Trophy Hunters, but they're just not quite right either. A little too baggy in the knees and thighs; a little too short, even in the longs. Despite being not quite right (NQR to you vet folks), I've somehow acquired 3 pairs with 1 more on the way....

Image 1
Tailored Sportsman Trophy Hunter
I'm a follower when it comes to equestrian fashion, what can I say?
Other breeches on my "I want to try" wishlist":

Houndstooth Luxe Breeches
Aztec Diamond Houndstooth Breeches
I've wanted these for a year now thanks to The $900 Facebook Pony posting them. If they're still in stock next week, well, Happy birthday to me.

Ghodho Pamela Breech
Their new burgundy breech is too die for but not available yet. I just can't decide if I'm just too ammy to wear this. They might be a bit too edgy for my classic taste (hilarious because in normal clothes, I love edgy details).
All I want is a size 27, long, nice pair of breeches less than $200/pair (or you know, under $100, but a girl can dream) that are made for the slightly fluffy, leggy Hunter-Jumper princess, because those would be just right.

-K & C

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Radio Silence

I've just finished 3 Hell Weeks, and had my last Fall Break ever! Not much to report (yet) on the K&C front, but I may have a surprise come next week! Fingers crossed!
